Room booked. Room ready! Already?

From catering to room layout, treats to tech…
Our feature-rich room services module allows you to design and offer everything you need to ensure a successful and productive meeting.
Each room service offering is completely under your control, can be put together in minutes and easily integrated with your catering and facilities teams.
Request a demo todayKey Features
Room Services
Quick and easy setup
Add services in a few clicks so they can be selected in a few ticks.
Cater to every taste
From coffee to cordon bleu, you can configure refreshements galore.
Editable room plans
Offer optional layouts for any given room to make sure it’s ready to go.
Tech? Tick
Easily add different tech configurations to any room.
Everyone’s welcome
Add options or receive notes as to any special meeting requirements.
Works like you do
Integrates into your exisitng catering, FM and costings structures.
When is a meeting room not a meeting room?
The Clearooms service module allows complete customisation and flexibility – allowing you to assign specific functions to specific rooms for specific users.
Room service requests are emailed to whoever needs to know about the set-up, so whether it’s a pitch or pilates – you’ve got it covered.
View our knowledgebase article to see it in action.
Request a services demo today