
Desk Booking Transformation

Industry: Health Care; Staff: 90; Desks: 20 in London & 10 in Oxfordshire

Lexica is a health and life-sciences consultancy that has offices in London and Oxfordshire.

Modern office with a lot of desk spaces

Lexica's Transition to Hybrid Work

We spoke to Chris Mills, Head of IT to explore their use of Clearooms and how it has supported their move to a post-Covid working environment.

Prior to Covid Lexica had taken a lease on a large London office that they intended to grow into, but as the world was finding its new-normal post Covid-19, Lexica quickly realised that hybrid working was here to stay. In an attempt to manage their desk-bookings in the new-look world Lexica implemented Microsoft bookings.

Chris tells us that “Microsoft Bookings served its purpose at the time, but as we began encouraging our team back into the office more regularly, it was clear that there were some features of the Microsoft solution that were making things much harder than they needed to be - for example, if a booking was cancelled the desk was not freed up to be re-booked on the system. On more than one occasion there were times when members of the team couldn’t book a desk and therefore didn’t come to the office despite multiple desks being available in reality. At this point I realised we needed a better solution”.

From Search to Setup

Implementing Clearooms in just three days

Chris had previously looked at desk-booking options, but was put off by extremely expensive solutions so it was a welcome surprise to him to find Clearooms through a quick Google search.

Having presented Clearooms as an option to his manager, Chris was tasked with getting everything implemented very quickly, to meet some internal date restrictions; “I found Clearooms on a Tuesday and by Friday morning we had got it fully implemented and members of the team were using the portal effortlessly”.

Desks in a modern office

Floating desks, efficient reporting & personal touch

Lexica, unlike most clients, have decided to have a ‘floating-desk’ design, rather than utilising their floorplan meaning users can book a desk, but not necessarily a specific desk, which works really well for them and Chris reports that, to date, they’ve had no employees experience any issues in any way.

Whilst Lexica implemented Clearooms to support hybrid working arrangements, an unexpected benefit they have found is the reporting features, which allow them to identify working patterns for individuals and the collective team, allowing them to optimise their teams whereabouts more efficiently.

As an IT guy himself, Chris has really enjoyed exploring the new features that Clearooms have launched and remarks on how Clearooms have managed to maintain their personal approach despite growing as an organisation.

A lot of desks in an office

I love that with Clearooms, I can pick up the phone or drop an email to our Customer Success Manager with suggestions for new features or customer support and I always speak to the same person - it’s like they’re an extension of our team.

Chris Mills, Head of IT

Simple & powerful for desk booking

Having rolled out desk-booking across both offices, Chris has already recommended Clearooms to friends and family working elsewhere and will continue to do so; “I just love it. It’s simple, yet powerful. It does what it says on the tin really, but most of all it makes my life and my colleagues lives so much easier - I can’t imagine us ever using another provider and strongly recommend others consider Clearooms for their desk or meeting room booking solution.”

A lady using a desk booking software

Let’s get started! Book your free Clearooms demo today

Request a free demo today to find out more about how you can optimise your meetings with Clearooms.

You can also sign up for a FREE no-obligation trial – giving you use of all of Clearooms’s features for free, for one month.

There’s no up-front payment required, and you’re under no obligation to subscribe afterwards.

If you have some burning questions or would just like to have a chat with someone about Clearooms, then get in touch with us today through our Live Chat. We look forward to hearing from you!