Meeting room booking systems: The key to an efficient office

At Clearooms our job is to make workplace management simpler. But what does this actually look like and how do meeting room booking systems work?
We’ve broken down four of the benefits of using them.
Become leaner and work smarter
Office Management systems can be fantastic tools when helping reduce expensive office space you don’t need. It can give you a clear vantage point of who you are going to have in the building and what’s required from the business in terms of space and desk capacity.
Room booking software goes a lot further than desk space, with integrations such as Azure and Google Workspace. These integrations ensure the system streamlines your software platforms instead of adding another wobbly block to your company's tech stack. Conference room booking has often been a clunky process in the past, with conflicts of schedules, unhelpful compromises and a lot of ‘we’ll let you know if we still need it’’. No more double booking.
Better collaboration and better meetings
You can ensure meetings are optimised with a room booking system. Meetings are completely under your control and can be put together in minutes and easily integrated with your catering and facilities teams. No more creased meeting room calendars hanging off the wall.
In addition, you can add specific options and notes to each meeting to ensure that everyone is prepared and knows exactly what to expect. Furthermore, services can be added in a few clicks to ensure that the meeting leader can make sure everything they need for a successful meeting is in place. Meeting room management systems don’t need to be complicated and we pride ourselves on the simplicity of our platform from the user’s perspective.
Greater agility
A meeting room scheduler ensures that you can be responsive and take control of your organisation’s office space and personnel at short notice. For example, in the event of a short notice company meeting or some urgent office maintenance, you can react and take challenges in your stride.
Similarly, the platform mirrors hybrid working’s mature approach when it comes to staff members taking control of their days. By using a room booking app, for example, employees can book desks on the go and be part of an accommodating organisation that truly appreciates work-life balance. Staff who feel happier can and will be more productive.
Data-driven improvement
The last point - but by no means any less important - is the ability to get data-driven insights through the use of a meeting room booking system. You can run reports for insight into how your space is used so you can optimise layouts.
As with our other points, analytics is all about putting your organisation at the centre of focus and ensuring your meetings are optimised in ways you may have missed. Data-driven insights can also eliminate needless debates between would-be meeting room managers in an organisation as you’re provided with impartial, analytical reports.
Closing thought
It’s clear that there are many advantages to using a meeting room booking system as we continue to work in an ever-changing hybrid working environment.
Questions? You can get in touch with us here.