How to successfully implement a hybrid working model

The Challenge
Everyone is starting from a different block when it comes to the implementation of hybrid working. Some organisations were already doing it before the pandemic, whereas others are only now investing and implementing some of the key changes needed to make it work.
We’ve investigated four of the key things to be mindful of when looking to build a successful hybrid working system.
Use a room and desk booking system
In order to make hybrid working work, you need to be agile and ready to change things quickly. With a booking system, you can seamlessly arrange that urgent company meeting or remote working day when the electricians are in.
You can become leaner and work smarter as an organisation when you have eyes on who needs to be in the building and in identifying wasted office space, for example. With the Clearooms platform, you can pull data-driven reports for insights into how your space is used in order to optimise the layout. You can find out more about the benefits of room and desk booking systems in creating better hybrid workplaces here.
Instill a remote-first approach
The impact and value of a remote room desk and office booking system are greatly reduced if it's being implemented by a company that refuses to acknowledge remote working as a legitimate way to get things done. For many organisations, there will always be a need to come into the office in order to solve strategic, high-level or creative challenges. This is why great collaborative spaces are essential - more on that later.
This new way of thinking of the office as a collaboration and meeting hub requires a core change to the system of the company, as well as to the mindset of its employees. There is also far more accountability when remote work is introduced, as you can simply agree on actions over the desk.
Project management tools - often baked into room and desk booking systems through integrations - ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to objectives and who is in charge of various tasks.
Ensure everything is Cloud-based
Everyone needs to be able to access what they need to work. This may sound obvious but during Covid-19 many organisations struggled to move their infrastructure to a modern, cloud-based system. It’s so important to get right if successful hybrid working can take place. Along with desk and office booking systems, cloud-based software is a key enhancer when looking to add consistency and accessibility to your business across the staff.
This is where a suite like Office 365 or other cloud-based systems come into their own. They are secure, ensure unified access and won’t falter when it comes to different devices and compatibility. The move can take some adjustment, particularly for businesses that are not used to adapting their way of working and systems. However, ensuring your operations are cloud-based is a vital step to implementing a hybrid workplace model that works.
Mental Health
Hybrid working may support improved well-being for team members through less commuting, more autonomy around their schedules and extra time in their day to look after themselves.
However, there can also be plenty of challenges that come with remote working. For example, it’s important to point staff to resources on how to manage a work/life balance when working remotely. Some people may try and take on too much work and burn out if they simply replace their communing hours with additional tasks, combined with less interaction in person which we all need as the fairly primitive creatures we are.
Try to provide training and support to employees on managing work-life balance whilst working in a hybrid way / working from home. Similarly, offering advice on digital well-being and having healthy habits in relation to technology use, including helping employees to put their laptops away to truly disconnect at times.
In addition, it’s important to ensure line managers understand the potential well-being implications of hybrid working and that they are in a position to have support staff that are adjusting to remote working if it's their first experience of it, for example. It’s important for managers to also have a more general understanding of workplace well-being given the turbulence of recent years.
The pandemic may be over, but it undeniably dented many people’s mental health and we are still seeing the fallout of this, compounded by the cost of living crisis. It’s essential to be an organisation that listens to its employees, supports them and creates a culture of unity and the means to be adaptable to challenges.
Get in touch
At Clearooms we live and breathe better hybrid working and better hybrid environments. We’d be happy to discuss how you can get more out of your hybrid office.
Book a free demo today see how our all-in-one desk and room booking system works.