Clearooms' Carbon Reduction Plan

Clearooms is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and being an environmentally responsible business. As a company with no physical offices and remote staff, Clearooms already has the advantage of a lower carbon footprint compared to traditional businesses. However, there are still several areas where we can further reduce our carbon emissions. This carbon reduction plan outlines the strategies and actions Clearooms will implement to become a more sustainable and eco-friendly small business.

Energy Efficiency:

a) Remote Workspace Audit: Conduct an annual energy audit of all remote workspaces to identify opportunities for reducing energy consumption. Encourage employees to use energy-efficient appliances, LED lighting, and power-saving features on their devices.

b) Renewable Energy: Encourage employees to switch to green energy suppliers. Consider providing incentives or financial support to employees who adopt renewable energy sources for their home electricity needs.

c) Remote Meetings: The use of video conferencing and online collaboration tools to minimise the need for travel and face-to-face meetings is already standard practice at Clearooms. This will continue to be monitored as we grow and every effort to avoid travel will always be our default position.

Sustainable Purchasing:

a) Paperless Policy: Encourage employees to go paperless wherever possible. We have implemented digital filing systems and utilise cloud storage, and prefer electronic communication over physical documentation.

b) Sustainable Suppliers: Collaborate with suppliers who follow sustainable practices and prioritise the purchase of eco-friendly products and services.

c) Office Equipment: Encourage employees to use energy-efficient office equipment and consider providing subsidies or discounts on eco-friendly devices.

Waste Reduction and Recycling:

a) Waste Management Policy: Establish a comprehensive waste management policy that encourages waste reduction, recycling, and proper disposal of electronic waste.

b) Recycling Programs: Support employees in recycling efforts by providing information on local recycling facilities and offering recycling bins for home use.

Employee Engagement and Education:

a) Carbon Literacy Training: Conduct workshops or training sessions to educate employees about carbon reduction, climate change, and the importance of sustainability.

b) Internal Green Initiatives: Encourage employees to share ideas for reducing carbon emissions and reward innovative eco-friendly practices within the company.

c) Monthly Challenges: Organise monthly challenges or competitions related to sustainability, carbon reduction, or waste reduction, fostering a culture of environmental consciousness.

Carbon Offset and Donations:

a) Carbon Offset Program: Implement a voluntary carbon offset program for employees who wish to contribute towards offsetting the company's unavoidable emissions.

b) Charitable Donations: Allocate a portion of the company's profits to support environmental initiatives or carbon offset projects.

Monitoring and Reporting:

a) Carbon Footprint Tracking: Regularly track and monitor the company's carbon emissions, setting clear targets for reduction over time.
b) Sustainability Reports: Publish annual sustainability reports detailing the company's progress, achievements, and future goals in carbon reduction.

By implementing these strategies, Clearooms will not only reduce its carbon footprint but also inspire other small businesses to take environmental action. The commitment to sustainability will enhance the company's reputation and contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Version: 1.02
Date: 1st Aug 2023
Signed by: Tony Gibson
Title: Co-Founder and Managing Director